Community Place VRML2.0 Browser 1.1 Bata 1 Our goal is the creation of a Virtual Society, an online, electronic, three dimensional CyberSpace. CyberSpace will be full of interesting places to visit, fun things to do and most importantly, other people to meet. The Community Place Browser is the window into this online world. It allows you to enter 3D worlds, to navigate around them, to interact with objects in these scenes and to meet and chat with other users. To allow this, the Community Place browser is a full VRML2.0 browser with Java language support that allows you and other to build and experience interactive, multi-media 3D worlds. However, Community Place is more than a standalone VRML2.0 browser, it's part of a sophisticated multi-user shared 3D CyberSpace. Each browser, when connected to a multi-user server, the Community Place Bureau, will allow you to choose your 3D representation in that world, your avatar, and will use that avatar to represent you in the shared worlds. Once connected to the Community Place Bureau you enter the shared world. Within it, you can see other people, wave to them, chat in groups, or even have private conversations. The browser and server support it all. In this software package you will find all you need to allow you to enter this world. The Community Place browser works fine as a standalone VRML2.0 browser and we've provided some demo file for you to load and enjoy. We've also provided a shared VRML world, Circus Park, that automatically connects to a public server when loaded. In addition, if the idea of building your own shared VRML world sounds like fun. We provided a small server that runs of Win95 to enable you to do that. The server instructions tell how to install and run the server and how to make the small modifications needed to take a standard VRML2.0 file, and turn it into a shared 3D world. Enjoy !! RenderWare is a registered trademark of Canon Inc.